Foundation Certifications

Foundation Certifications are very similar to a Certified Plot Plan, except with the Foundation Certificate we typically are verifying new construction on a new lot or new construction on a lot that has had a home demolished and removed.

This verification is at time required by the city or town regulations, or sometimes the builder wants to verify that the foundation is in the correct spot so that the home, porches, and decks are all built meeting the building codes and setbacks.

Equipment We Use

We utilize the most up-to-date equipment, currently we have a Leica TS-13 Robotic Instrument, a Carlson Tablet Data Collector and a Sokkia GPS Unit. This equipment allows our team to move much quicker, with great accuracy and precision.

We also have the ability to send a single crew member out with the Robotic Instrument, this is a great tool for us to gather data, we are able to get the same high level information with just a one person crew!

Carlson Data Collector & Sokkia GPS Unit